The Ontario government is investing more money into public education. $15-million will be spent to buy 35-thousand classroom computers and $10-million will be used to hire additional mental health workers.
The province says it is to ensure that students will have access to mental health professionals and reduce wait times.
“We know that the COVID-19 outbreak has impacted student mental health and well-being,” said Stephen Lecce, Minister of Education. “That is why our government is significantly increasing investments in supporting the mental health of students as we prepare for the reopening of schools. This investment represents a considerable increase in mental health funding that will help ensure critical front-line and wrap-around supports are helping those Ontario students who need it most.”
The new computers will allow students who have trouble accessing technology to do so during the next school year which the province says “could include both learning at home and in-person learning.”
“COVID-19 is forcing the world around us to change, to adapt, and to embrace the digital landscape,” said Lecce. “We will invest more in student computers, technology, and internet than any government in Ontario history because we want our youth to retain a competitive advantage. By delivering this funding, we are sending a signal to the country: Ontario is investing in our kids, closing the digital divide, and taking action to ensure all students have the best opportunity to learn when returning to school in the fall.”