Care Coordinators in our area might be on the picket line as early as next week. The Ontario Nurses Association’s (ONA) 10 Community Care Access Centres (CCAC) have been trying to get a new contract since last March. The ONA’s provincial vice-president Vicki McKenna says the main dispute is over wages. She says the wages vary across the province.
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McKenna says the goal is to get all CCACs at the same wage scale, which the employers would not agree to. Over the past few days the Ontario Nurses’ Association had been in talks with employers. McKenna says talks were not successful. says there isn’t an overall collective agreement.
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McKenna says they hope to come to a resolution soon. She says the last place these care providers want to be is on the picket lines.
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The strike vote is likely to happen on Thursday, Jan. 30, 2015. The North Simcoe Muskoka LHIN will be affected.