Officials with the District of Muskoka say that as the weather gets warmer, the risk of flooding in flood-prone areas increased.
The GeoHub app has been reworked and was relaunched Thursday morning. “You can search and find your property, turn layers on and off, including new air photos, and you can print out a map,” explains the District’s Geomatics Manager Graham Good. He says there are “hundreds” of layers on the interactive map.
The GeoHub was originally launched over a decade ago, but Good says he and his team have spent the past year reworking it. One of the new features is that you can view the water levels at the 15 monitoring stations in Muskoka in real-time. Good says updates are available every five minutes.
Officials with the District explain that the spring thaw can last for weeks at a time as the snowpack melts. With that in mind, they suggest that you create an emergency preparedness plan along with a 72-hour kit. If you live in an area that has been prone to flooding in the past, officials say to make sure to prepare your property ahead of time.
“When it comes to emergency preparedness, we all have a role to play” shares the District’s Chief of Paramedic Services and Emergency Planning Jeff McWilliam. “No one knows your property better than you. Assess the risks in and around your property and make a plan. Prepare an emergency kit that will last you and your family at least 72 hours and be sure to include items such as water, food, medications, and supplies for your pet if you have one. Don’t forget to also subscribe to your town or township news page online for flood updates right to your inbox.”