Ontario’s path to freedom may be mapped out today. Multiple reports Thursday morning suggest the province will unveil how the government will reopen after the third lockdown of the COVID-19 pandemic. On Wednesday, Solicitor General Sylvia Jones suggested the province will not open on a regional basis as that contributes to people travelling to where things are open. Instead, the province will reopen on a sector-by-sector basis. It was confirmed on Tuesday that the province is not returning to its colour-coded framework of reopening. Cabinet will have to put its stamp of approval on the plan before it is released.
In what seems to be mixed messaging Ontario’s Deputy Premier and Minister of Health Christine Elliott suggested on Tuesday that outdoor activities such as golf and tennis could open before the Victoria Day weekend or at least before the stay-at-home order expires on June 2nd, but when asked Wednesday Jones only said they would open “in the fullness of time.”
The Ontario Hospital Association is urging the province to take a staged, evidence-based approach to reopen the economy. That was hinted at by Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. David Williams when he said the province is looking at a dial-up approach to reopening in order to avoid a fourth wave before the third wave is over.