The last Friends of the Muskoka Watershed (FOTMW) ash collection drive until the fall is being held on Saturday at the Rosewarne Landfill in Bracebridge.
The drive will run from 9:30 a.m. until 1 p.m.
Sandy Lockhart, communications director, says the ash is used to do research with Trent University and helps to restore forests in Muskoka. “The laboratory studies indicate that Muskoka ash is 25 to 30 percent calcium and has appreciable amounts of other key plant nutrients including potassium, magnesium and phosphorus,” she explains.
The Friends of the Muskoka Watershed will be looking to add to the over 4,000 kg of woodstove and fireplace ash already collected this year and 36,000 kg since 2019.
“We have applied thousands of kilograms of processed wood ash to sugar maple bushes and research forests,” says Lockhart. “We’ve learned that wood ash neutralizes the acidity of Muskoka soils that were damaged by decades of acid rain. Preliminary research suggests that ash application to the soil increases tree vitality and growth, meaning that trees are more storm-resistant and have the potential to capture more carbon! Healthier trees also can pump more water, with a positive impact on flood mitigation.”
Lockhart says they’re grateful to everyone who donates their time, money, and ash to support FOTMW.