Huntsville Mayor Scott Aitchison says residents’ concerns will be heard before any Council decision on a proposed waterpower project at the Mary Lake Dam in Port Sydney. Yesterday, the Town’s planning committee heard from the proponent Green Bug Energy Inc. on its plans to put a new plant in at the dam.
Aitchison tells the Moose that while he believes the project would be “intrusive”, he says councillors have asked the company to hold a public meeting on the issue for year-round and seasonal residents who have questions or concerns.
The issue wont be back at the council table until June..
Given that opponents of the project have already started a Facebook page where they are airing their concerns, Aitchison was asked if he thinks the issue could turn into another Bala Falls type scenario…
Green Bug wants council’s support for the project. A date for the public meeting has not been decided upon yet.