A 30 year old London man is preparing for a cross-Canada walking trip that aims to raise a million dollars to help male victims of sexual abuse. Paulie O’Byrne, founder of the ‘I’m 1 in 5 Tour’ was in Moose studios this week to talk about the tour, which will take him from Victoria BC to St. John’s Newfoundland in May. He leaves May 1st and the trip should take about 6 months. O’Byrne explains why he’s taking the trip..
O’Byrne says its not a gender specific issue…
Statistics show that 1 in 5 Canadian men will be sexually abused during their lifetime. O’Byrne will be passing near us on the local leg of his walking trip. To see where, visit his website at www.im1in5.com He also has a gofundme page to help him pay for the trip – it’s at gofundme.com/im1in5. (Photo of O’Byrne by Matt Sitler)