A Syrian refugee family has been matched with Huntsville, and will be landing in town in less than two weeks. The family of seven has five kids between the ages of two and 11.
Communications Coordinator for the Huntsville Syrian Refugee Sponsorship, Nancy Wilding, says it’s been a roller coaster ride getting to this point. First the town was matched with a family that ended up being delayed, and so a quick decision was needed on if a replacement family would be accepted, based on information from the government. Wilding says the committee unanimously agreed, and then this family was quickly matched with the town.
The committee is helping to get the family settled, which includes gathering over $60,000 in donations. Wilding says they have a rented a house at a fair rate, that is fully furnished. On top of that, it has clothes, toys, food, and anything else a family of seven will need.
The 15 person committee is also helping with the transition into Huntsville. Wilding says that means helping them get set up with English lessons, school transitions, getting a health card, setting up banking, getting wifi and telephones set up, and more.
Wilding says they’re looking forward to sharing all that Huntsville has to offer to ensure the community’s newest family get the best start possible in Canada.