Two men are shelling out some cash for various hunting and fishing violations. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry says a Huntsville man pleaded guilty to hunting an antlerless white-tailed deer without a license back in November. A conservation officer contacted the man on a private land bush-lot near Huntsville while he was in the process of dragging the untagged deer to a hunt camp by ATV. The MNRF says the deer was shot earlier that day even though the man didn’t have the proper license. He was fined $1,250 and is banned from hunting big game for two years.
The second violation happened in January. A Markham man was fishing in the Georgian Bay area, catching and keeping 67 black crappie, which is more than double the limit of 30. The MNRF says all of the fish were seized, and he pleaded guilty to retaining an over-limit of black crappie. The man was fined $3,000.
The MNRF says fishing limits are put in place so fish levels remain sustainable, and other anglers can enjoy fishing in the future. To report a natural resources violation, call the MNRF TIPS line at 1-877- 847-7667.