An open discussion and learning opportunity on marijuana is coming up in Muskoka. Hosted by The Hub in Huntsville, Hub Talks is one of the ways the organization provides education to the community, covering different topics ranging from business issues to community-level issues. Graham Thompson, Manager of The Hub, says next week’s talk falls into the community-level issue category, as it will focus on marijuana legalization.
Entitled “Cannabis and You”, Graham says the talk is in light of the soon-to-come legalization, and recent discussions in the community on medicinal and recreational use.
Thompson says this talk will touch on those issues. The talk features Broidy Rondelet, from Muskoka Grown Limited in Bracebridge. Thompson says he’ll provide facts and details about what the company is doing in Bracebridge, he’ll speak about the different strands of cannabis, where the government is at with legalization, and share his own story about medicinal use.
Executive Director of New Vision Unlimited Erin Horvath, the not-for-profit that oversees The Hub, says she hopes those who come to the talk will share their own stories and give insight into their own personal experiences. However, Thompson notes it’s an open discussion, but it’s not a forum for debate.
A representative from the Algonquin Family Health Team will also be attendance, and Thompson says she will be willing to answer questions regarding medical and physical effects. The Hub Talk is open to the entire community; if you’re not a member of The Hub there is a $5 entrance fee, and it’s free for members. It’s running on April 26th, from 1:00pm to 3:00pm at The Hub, which is at 1 Crescent Road.
Horvath says New Vision Unlimited it’s a community development organization that works in communities to empower citizens to create change. She says The Hub is one of New VU’s projects, and it’s a co-working space that provides resources for entrepreneurs and businesses and encourages collaboration on some of the tough issues the community faces.