A manufacturer of waste removal equipment in Huntsville has been fined for failing to comply with an inspection order.
Fanotech Enviro was fined $10,000 for failing to do the required work.
The company, located on Old North Road, had received orders from Huntsville Fire dating back to June of 2017. Subsequent inspections showed that the requested work had not been completed.
A further 90-day warning was issued to the company, but another inspection again revealed the work had not been done.
Fire Prevention Officer Mike Vadlja says the fire department does not like to go all the way to issuing fines.
“It is preferred that violations are promptly addressed without the need to go to court, although it is sometimes necessary in order to initiate the actions that are required,” he says. “The fire department is committed to ensuring that appropriate measures are being taken by property owners and occupants to achieve fire and life safety and will continue to use the tools available through the Fire Protection and Prevention Act to gain compliance.”
The company has since gotten most of the work done and the department is working with the owner to get the outstanding items wrapped up.