The head of the District of Muskoka is taking on a new role to lead a provincial organization.
Michael Duben was announced as the new Ontario Municipal Administrators’ Association (OMAA) Board President. He is currently the CAO of the District Municipality of Muskoka.
“I look forward to my role as President of OMAA and in particular the opportunity to continue to grow
our membership and raise awareness of the role of the municipal CAO in Ontario communities,” Duben said. “The Association has great potential to further the profession itself and the professional
network for municipal executives.”
The district said Duben has led the completion of multiple services and operational recommendations along with the creation of a Continuous Improvement Unit. Duben has dedicated a lot of years to the service of others and community publicly, privately and through global volunteer work.
“Michael’s leadership and passion for progressive municipal management will well serve OMAA’s goals
and priorities,” said John Klinck, Chair of the District Municipality of Muskoka. “This is also a great
opportunity to share Muskoka’s perspective at a provincial level.”
The OMAA is made up of CAOs, city managers and others who have management responsibilities for over 300 Ontario municipalities.